“For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping.
So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light.” Psalm 56:13 NLT I don’t know about you, but it seems that summer has just started and our fall activities are rushing down upon us. For most children school starts in just two weeks. Like most of us, I unconsciously assumed that “normal” life would be resuming by fall. Instead, the trauma and anxiety has just taken on different forms. When will this be over? The verse above, Psalm 56:13, speaks to us in our present situation. When we feel discouraged let’s not forget that God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, has rescued us from death, and transferred us out of our tombs, the darkness and despair, into his glorious light. Colossians 1:13 tells us that as believers in Jesus we have been rescued and are now seated with him in the heavenly realms, far above all our enemies. Ephesians 1:3 tells us we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heaven, and 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that we have been given all we need to lead the godly lives to which we have been called. As long as we follow Jesus, he will lead us in the peace of mind and heart he has promised. (Jn.14:27) Because we belong to Jesus, no matter how dark it may become, we can live in God’s life-giving light every day. As we study the Bible we learn that Jesus is at the center of everything, creation, salvation and our growth into his likeness. Where is Jesus for you right now? Let’s choose to put Jesus in the center of our lives, of every part, every hurt, every victory, every challenge and every relationship. That way, whichever direction we turn, we will see him and be reminded that we are not alone and he is still in control. We have already been rescued and nothing can remove us from Jesus’ loving, strong arms. We belong to him. There is no fear in his love. He is faithful to guard and protect all that is his. So, join me in a long sigh of relief. How long will this chaos and trauma in the world go on? We know one thing for certain. Jesus is returning to make all things right, and, even now, we are living in his presence in his eternal Kingdom of light. So, Jesus, we choose to keep our eyes focused on you as the beginning and the end, and the ruler over everything in between. We choose to trust you, no matter our present circumstances. Thank you for choosing us, and for having a plan and purpose for our lives, even when we can’t see or understand it. Dear friends, this is a time when our faith may be tested! Be blessed to keep focused on Jesus and keep him in the center of your life. Be blessed as your faith is multiplied and his deep peace permeates your every cell and every thought. You are safe with Jesus. He loves you and he knows the beginning and the end. He will guide you and grow you more beautiful in his presence and life-giving light. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ July 21, 2021
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