“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” John 15:9-11 Perhaps like you, I ask God for a verse and a word to lean into in the coming year. The word I kept hearing was “joy”. Recently, it was confirmed in the words of Jesus above in John 15:9-11. Can it be true that God really wants us to be filled to overflowing with his joy? Have you, like me, been sensing a command to stop striving for God’s love but to trust him and just rest in him, expecting him to be all he says he is and to do all he has promised to do? In the verses above Jesus gives all who would believe in him the motivation for trusting him and believing what he says. Love. The Father loves Jesus, and Jesus tells us he loves us, in the same way the Father has loved him, unconditionally, completely and eternally. God Almighty, the holy Creator God, the three in One, the One in three, has chosen us and has committed to love us, to love YOU forever. Are you letting yourself hear this? What would prevent you from believing this truth? Why not, right now, start the year by simply believing you are worthy to be loved in God’s eyes. The Father has proven you are worthy by sending Jesus to die in your place. Believing this enables us to willingly obey Jesus, our Lord, in every way. Believe the truth. This is the commandment that Jesus wants us to obey as we start the year. Jesus died to give us security in our value and new identity in Christ. When we believe we are loved, through and through, we can rest in our relationship with the Father. When we rest, secure we are loved, no matter what befalls us, we are able to receive Jesus’ overflowing joy. Our Lord will have accomplished the purpose for which he was sent. What greater reason for him, and for us, to celebrate every day with JOY?! Dear friends, be blessed to rest secure in your belovedness. As you receive more and more of God’s love, may you yearn to love him, who is supremely worthy, with all your hearts, minds and strength and increasingly overflow with contagious joy in the coming year. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ January 10 , 2025
Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:15,16 In a culture in which today we hear more about shopping and Santa Claus than we do about Jesus, it easy to get caught up and forget who the season is really about. We may need to stop and hear Jesus ask us, as he asked his dear disciple Peter, “But who do you say that I am?” Have you done that recently? We may hesitate because of the number of “correct” answers we might find, listing his names and describing his many characteristics. But notice the question is personal and focused on the present. Who do YOU, not the Bible, scholars, or respected teachers say that Jesus is, but you. Who is Jesus to you right now, not in some past encounter, or some promised event. In this moment. Why is that important? As your Savior, he died to rescue you, not because he had to, but because he loves you. Perhaps today you need to remember that he loves you. Believing Jesus is our Rescuer, gives us assurance that he will continue to rescue us from fear and anxiety. So, why do you need Jesus today? If you are sick, he is your healer. If you are struggling against darkness, he is the Light of world who overcame darkness. He is your defender, teacher and friend, who you can talk through the decisions you need to make today. Is guilt chasing after you? Confess your sin to your High Priest Messiah, and receive the forgiveness and cleansing available in his sacrifice on the Cross. (1 Jn.1:9) Maybe in this season where families come together, you are feeling all alone, with no one who cares. The Lord knows you intimately. And Jesus promises to never leave you nor abandon you. Feeling helpless? The Lord promises to go with you… into that meeting, or operating room. He is the One who has all authority in Heaven and on earth. The God who rules is for you, not against you. That is who is with you today. Isaiah called him, “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is passionately committed to you. (Isa.9:6,7) So, tell that liar fear to go, and remember who Jesus promises to be for you today. Dear friends, may you overflow with gratitude and joy as you remember that the baby in the manger, whose birth you celebrate this week, came in love so that you could overcome all the darkness in your life by his truth and light. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ December 23, 2024 Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere,
like a sweet perfume. 15 Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. …16 … But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 NLT Science tells us that smells bring back the memories associated with them. We are entering a season of some of our favorite smells. At Thanksgiving, they may be our family’s traditional dinner of roasting turkey and pumpkin pie. What memories are triggered for you by the smell of live pine trees, your favorite Christmas cookies, fresh fallen snow or your favorite Christmas food? Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2 that we are to be a life-giving perfume, a Christ-like fragrance as we reflect God’s glory to the people around us. Like an aroma they will remember us and, if they are being saved, be strengthened and encouraged. But if they are not being saved, don’t be surprised if they reject us as a dreadful smell that reminds them of death. Are we godly enough to remind people of Jesus? Paul ends verse 16 by agreeing with his readers, “And who is adequate for such a task as this?” If you are like me, we may think, “Not me!” But keep reading because he reminds us that we have had the veil that blocks people’s understanding of God’s Word removed. Now we have the ability and the authority to be used by God to bring his Kingdom to earth. We are truly the sweet perfume that remind people that they have eternal hope. So, let’s trust that God can use us this holiday season to remind our families, friends, and strangers alike, even by our very presence, that Jesus loves them. May they believe that God is real and wants us to understand and remember who he is and what he has done to ensure our salvation and eternal destiny. Jesus Christ has come to save and restore the lost, and he will return again to bring us home. Dear friends, may you rejoice this holiday season in who God created you to become and be truly thankful for the role he has called you to. May you overflow with God’s love, peace and joy as you reflect the glory and spread the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ. You can do that! Remember who is living in you. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ November 26, 2024 |
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