“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT
I love to pray for other people and often the prayer request is for God’s provision for something they think is needed. As I was praying that for someone recently, God showed me that the world’s way of seeing things is often upside down. We learn from the world that we put everything in order and have all that we need to do something, then seek God and his blessing, before moving ahead. Actually, when we really stop and ponder, God has a perfect plan for our lives, based on the fact that he designed us perfectly for it. He knows us, he knows the plan and he would not expect us to fulfill that plan without already having provided all we need to accomplish it. If we operate from that truth, then, is it not logical that we first need to seek God’s will, his plan, and then ask him how he is going to make it happen? That sure sounds easier to me. How about to you? Why sweat and worry how you are going to do what YOU want? When, by seeking what God has already planned and made provision to happen, we simply come into alignment, keep moving and partner with God. Do you know God? Are you seeking to know and do his will? If so, be encouraged! He already knows what you need and he has included the provision for it in his plan. So, as Jesus told us in Matthew 6:33, seek God and his plan, live according to that plan, and he will provide all the rest. That sounds like a recipe to live in peace and joy! Pray with me: Father God, forgive me for forgetting that you know the beginning and the end. You created me and designed me to fit into your greater plan. I want to do your will, not mine. I want to learn to rest in you. Holy Spirit, illuminate my mind with the truth I need, fill my heart with the faith and love required and direct my path. I choose to trust that you will meet all my needs as I stay in the Father’s perfect will. Amen. Dear friend, be blessed as you rest in the truth that your loving, generous God is in control. Trust him and listen to him. As you do, may you be filled with his love and peace and stay within his perfect will and receive all that is needed to accomplish it. Amen. Mary Sumner September 27, 2019
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Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith, said Jesus. “Why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14:31 NLT How do we measure our faith? Is there any way we can grow it ourselves? Hebrews 11:1 defines faith this way: “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Further on, in Hebrews 11:6, we read, “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who comes to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
Most of us are familiar with the story of Peter stepping out of the boat that was being buffeted by strong wind and high waves to go out walking on the water to meet Jesus. That sounds like faith to me! But, in the process he lost sight of Jesus as he focused on the waves and began to sink. So why did Jesus rebuke him, saying he had little faith? Or was he talking to all of his disciples who had just seen him miraculously feed thousands and heal even more? They we terrified by the storm, and had forgotten who they followed. They had focused on their immediate circumstances instead of on the one they followed and could save them. If we are honest, we do that all the time! So, what are you focusing on today? On Jesus who loves you and has all authority in Heaven and on earth and is leading you by the Holy Spirit? Or on the darkness, trouble and confusion of the world that stirs up fear to control you? We are not alone in being tried in this area. Two thousand years ago the prophet Isaiah, when writing of the promised Messiah (Isa.53:1), asked, “Who has believed our message? To whom has the Lord revealed his powerful arm (to save, protect, heal)? Father God has revealed himself through Jesus and the revelation of the Holy Spirit. We all have access to that revelation. The question is, will we live each day as though we believe it? If Jesus asks us to get out of our boat of fear and doubt and exercise the very faith he has given us, how will we respond? Isaiah 55:6 exhorts us, “Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.” The Lord Jesus knows you, and proved his love for you on the Cross. He is calling you to come and get to know him better, so you can trust him more and be able to respond by faith immediately when he calls you. Pray with me: Holy Spirit, fill me with the courage to believe God without hesitation. Multiply my faith. I want to live a life pleasing to my heavenly Father, without fear and doubt. In my Lord Jesus’ compassionate name, I pray. Amen. Dear friend, may you be filled with a fresh infusion of faith. May you become a beacon of hope and life to others as they struggle. May you rejoice as Jesus uses you to reach out to grab the hand of others as they are sinking into fear and doubt. Amen. Mary Sumner September 13, 2019 |
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