After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king’s son. There was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David. ~ 1 Samuel 18:1 NLT
Have you ever met someone and your spirit sensed that God had arranged the meeting? It was no coincidence. Somehow it was meant to fit into God’s plans. Looking back, I recognize God placed certain special people in my life, either for just one particular time or for many years. My life was changed as a result. Some people may have had specific experiences or knowledge that I would need later on. Some strengthened me with their friendship or leadership. I may have been lost, physically or spiritually, and they helped get me back on the right path, or just gave me one push to keep me going. In order to progress in their life’s journey, some needed something God had placed in me or that I had learned. In retrospect, in most connections that lasted for more than a few minutes there was a mutual benefit to our relationship. Does this sound familiar to you? When Adam was alone in the Garden, God told him, “It is not good for man (a person) to be alone.” That is true for all of us. God created us to live in community, sharing our passions, knowledge and needs with each other. That is why Paul called God’s people Christ’s body, made up of many essential parts, each one important to the well-being of the others. Most of our body parts are out of sight, invisible, while others are very visible. In the verse above, Jonathan immediately felt a God-given love for David. Both felt an immediate bond. David would need Jonathan’s faithful friendship and his friend’s sacrifices to save his life and to eventually accomplish God’s purpose to make David king. Some of us are blessed to have a friend like Jonathan, one who God can use to help fulfill his plan and purpose in our lives. She, or he, is someone who has been gifted to see beyond our exterior and our mistakes to discern what God sees in us. When we get to Heaven, I hope God turns back the tapestry of our lives and shows us how each person we met influenced us in some way, and we them. Together, each one played a part of God’s design and purpose for our lives. The question for us is: Are we willing to be used by God as that, maybe invisible, person who helps a stranger or is used to propel a friend into their divine destiny? If we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we will be blessed and sense God’s pleasure as we join Jesus in bringing his Kingdom to earth. Dear friends, be blessed as you discern the people who God has caused to intersect with your life, whether in a big or small way. Listen and trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May you feel the joy of partnering with Jesus to accomplish his plans. May you be filled with gratitude as you recognize the people who God has used, or is using, to enrich and encourage you along the path of your life. Nothing is random in God’s economy, and he loves you and is always working for your good. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ September 16, 2021
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9,10 NLT Many of us believe in God. We believe the Father sent his Son Jesus to earth to take on a physical body so we might know him, hear his wisdom and truth and by believing in Christ, we would be transferred from death to eternal life. We may also believe that, the moment we believed, we received the Holy Spirit who is the very power of God at work in and through us. But did you know, and more importantly, do you believe, that one of the Holy Spirit’s roles is to reveal God’s deep secrets to us? We have the Holy Spirit with us all the time, and he loves to do his job of showing us things we did not know about God and the spiritual realm. We are probably missing lots of exciting, wonderful things when we are not intentionally tuned in to the Holy Spirit. God's Word tells us that Jesus is always with us. (Heb.13:5) I don’t know about you, but I really want to see Jesus. Have you seen him? One way of seeing Jesus is to recognize evidence of his presence. When we are sensitive to his presence we realize that someone is intervening in difficult circumstances, someone is saving us from physical danger, and someone fills us with love, peace and comfort when life starts to go off the rails. Want more excitement in your life? Start praying and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s deep secrets, and to show you more of Jesus. Our purpose is to know Jesus and to grow in our relationship with him. Let’s practice tuning in to the flow of the Spirt. Then, let’s keep our spiritual eyes open and expect to see him every day! Dear friends, be blessed with confident expectation of receiving more revelation of Jesus and his ways in and through you. Be blessed as you truly believe you are loved and invited to know him better. Take time to know Jesus in the Bible so you may recognize him on the street. Then get ready to be blessed by his active presence in your daily life! Amen. Mary Sumner ~ August 31, 2021 |
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