Welcome to God's "normal"!
What we call miracles are just the outworking of God's presence here on earth. Sharing our miracles gives honor, glory, and praise to God. Sharing these miracles is also a way for us to encourage each other and remember that God’s love is unfailing, manifested in the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and flowing from the Holy Spirit who indwells us.
“For since the world began, no ear has heard, no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him.”
(Isaiah 64:4 NLT)
"God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT)
"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works because I am going to be with the Father." (John 14:12 NLT)
“For since the world began, no ear has heard, no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him.”
(Isaiah 64:4 NLT)
"God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT)
"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works because I am going to be with the Father." (John 14:12 NLT)
God Stories
Be Restored 2019
Obstacles Removed - "K" - October 2019
I had obstacles (thanks to the devil) that prevented me from attending the first two sessions of Be Restored. After the second session, half way through the week, I suffered severe health issues which halted my life. I figured by then I had missed so much of the study that I wouldn't attend it.
Then, "out of the blue" Mary contacted me, noting that I had not been at the study and telling me that it was not too late to come. I knew it was God! So I committed to come, despite my health issues. And, boy, was I blessed by the lesson that night! It spoke right to my heart.
That night our group shared prayer requests. I placed the one I got on my mirror and God spoke so loudly to me about it that I knew what the answer was. I knew God was answering my prayers for her! It was amazing! God was showing me that my attending not only blessed me, but that he needed me there to bless others!
I had obstacles (thanks to the devil) that prevented me from attending the first two sessions of Be Restored. After the second session, half way through the week, I suffered severe health issues which halted my life. I figured by then I had missed so much of the study that I wouldn't attend it.
Then, "out of the blue" Mary contacted me, noting that I had not been at the study and telling me that it was not too late to come. I knew it was God! So I committed to come, despite my health issues. And, boy, was I blessed by the lesson that night! It spoke right to my heart.
That night our group shared prayer requests. I placed the one I got on my mirror and God spoke so loudly to me about it that I knew what the answer was. I knew God was answering my prayers for her! It was amazing! God was showing me that my attending not only blessed me, but that he needed me there to bless others!
Holy Shift - Jenny - October, 2019
I struggled with an issue that I didn't have any way to "breathe new life" into so it could change. It was like a box that had an airtight seal. During the Be Restored study, though it was not completely removed, I suddenly felt like the seal was broken and life could get in.
How do I know that there has been a "holy shift"? Because, immediately after God worked, I began talking to my husband about it! Now we pray daily together to remove any barriers between us. Waiting confidently for the next step!
I struggled with an issue that I didn't have any way to "breathe new life" into so it could change. It was like a box that had an airtight seal. During the Be Restored study, though it was not completely removed, I suddenly felt like the seal was broken and life could get in.
How do I know that there has been a "holy shift"? Because, immediately after God worked, I began talking to my husband about it! Now we pray daily together to remove any barriers between us. Waiting confidently for the next step!
Creative Again! - Melissa - September, 2019
I lost my creativity thirty five years ago and I got it back tonight (5th night of Be Restored). In Jesus' name we renounced lies spoken over us and asked Jesus to work in every area of our life and he gave me back the gift of creativity so I can use it to honor and praise him!
I lost my creativity thirty five years ago and I got it back tonight (5th night of Be Restored). In Jesus' name we renounced lies spoken over us and asked Jesus to work in every area of our life and he gave me back the gift of creativity so I can use it to honor and praise him!
Dream Restored - Christy - September, 2019
I used to think I would never be a grandmother. I'm not a mother.
However, God gave me a husband with two sons. For years my husband was estranged from his sons, but then recently God worked a miracle and restored their relationships. As a result God has blessed me with two darling little granddaughters. Two weeks ago I was able to hold a precious 3-month old little girl in my arms and love on her. What a gift!
I used to think I would never be a grandmother. I'm not a mother.
However, God gave me a husband with two sons. For years my husband was estranged from his sons, but then recently God worked a miracle and restored their relationships. As a result God has blessed me with two darling little granddaughters. Two weeks ago I was able to hold a precious 3-month old little girl in my arms and love on her. What a gift!
Set Free from Fear - Anonymous - September, 2019
I was so tired! Since kindergarten I have been afraid of sleeping, terrified of what would happen during the night. I would hide in closets, sleep in the bathtub, but I could never escape the footsteps coming for me in the dark, the door creaking open. My father abused and raped me from the time I was in kindergarten until seventh grade. My mother knew, but did not protect me.
But God has set me free from the fear of the night, from the trauma, the never ending shame. The fifth night of Be Restored, Embracing True Womanhood, God broke the power of hatred of women over me! After the ministry I prayed with a prayer team member and she took me back in my memories and Jesus set me free. I praise God for his goodness. Jesus was always with me. He has assigned a powerful angel with a huge sword to guard me. I am safe and now I can finally sleep in peace
I was so tired! Since kindergarten I have been afraid of sleeping, terrified of what would happen during the night. I would hide in closets, sleep in the bathtub, but I could never escape the footsteps coming for me in the dark, the door creaking open. My father abused and raped me from the time I was in kindergarten until seventh grade. My mother knew, but did not protect me.
But God has set me free from the fear of the night, from the trauma, the never ending shame. The fifth night of Be Restored, Embracing True Womanhood, God broke the power of hatred of women over me! After the ministry I prayed with a prayer team member and she took me back in my memories and Jesus set me free. I praise God for his goodness. Jesus was always with me. He has assigned a powerful angel with a huge sword to guard me. I am safe and now I can finally sleep in peace
God's Plan - Renee - August, 2019
Renee decided to she needed an activity to improve herself this fall. She heard that a Toast Master’s group was starting to meet on Tuesday nights at the Kappa Delta Pi headquarters.
So, Tuesday night she picked up something to eat on the way home from work and headed over to join Toast Masters. When she arrived in the designated room, there was a large group of women there. She went to the office to check, and found out that Toast Masters was held on Monday nights.
Who was meeting in the room, she inquired? She was told that a women’s ministry named Revive and Restore was doing a study there. She was intrigued, so decided to investigate. She found the ladies very loving and inviting and decided to join the study!
That night the speaker made it clear that God had the best plan for our lives if we would be willing to surrender our own. Coincidence? Renee knows it was no coincidence. She is convinced God invited her to come and draw closer to him.
Renee decided to she needed an activity to improve herself this fall. She heard that a Toast Master’s group was starting to meet on Tuesday nights at the Kappa Delta Pi headquarters.
So, Tuesday night she picked up something to eat on the way home from work and headed over to join Toast Masters. When she arrived in the designated room, there was a large group of women there. She went to the office to check, and found out that Toast Masters was held on Monday nights.
Who was meeting in the room, she inquired? She was told that a women’s ministry named Revive and Restore was doing a study there. She was intrigued, so decided to investigate. She found the ladies very loving and inviting and decided to join the study!
That night the speaker made it clear that God had the best plan for our lives if we would be willing to surrender our own. Coincidence? Renee knows it was no coincidence. She is convinced God invited her to come and draw closer to him.
Transformation - Tia - August, 2019
Unlike many of you I grew up in a non- Christian home, because my parents had what we call today church hurt and they turned away from God.
Consequently, I grew up believing in the theory of evolution which says humans evolved from apes. But, God had a plan for my life which included me knowing and having a love relationship with Him. I’m so glad, even though I didn’t know about God or His plans for me, it didn’t stop Him from seeking and pursuing a relationship me.
So, how did God introduce Himself to me a person who believed she evolved from an ape? He used my falling in love with my husband David over 38 years ago to come into my life. David was and still is a Christian and invited me to church.
After hearing about the existence of God and finding out I was a sinner, going to hell, I saw my need for a Savior and went to the Cross. I exchanged my old sin nature for Christ righteous new nature. Like 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, the old is gone, the new has come! I was born again and my new life with God began.
I thank God, His plan doesn’t stop at just being saved from darkness and death, but He continues to beckon me to the Cross where I go to exchange the lies I believe for His Truth. This is so I can experience the rich, full, godly good life He has planned for me here on this earth.
As I said earlier, I believed the lie, I evolved from an ape but now I believe I am created in the image and likeness of God. I’m created by Love. (Genesis 1:27; 1 John 4:8, 16)
Even though I had accepted Jesus as my Savior, I still believed I was unloved by God, because Religion kept telling me I had to follow all these rules and regulations in order to be pleasing enough for God to love me, so I believed I had to earn God’s love and He was still holding my sins against me. But now I believe I am Loved, because I when I look to the Cross, it shows and tells me what God has done for me. He gave His Son to die in my place and remove all my sins as far as the east is from west for me. Only Someone who loves me that much, would do that for me. (Ps 103:12; Jn 3:16; Rom 8:38-39)
I used to believe my failures, wrong doing, wrong choices would always be there and that they had no good purpose or value, only to keep me defeated. But now I believe God makes all things work together for my good and God’s glory. (Rom 8:28)
In my old plan I used to believe that I was unwanted therefore an accident or mistake. But now I believe before before creation God formed me in my mother’s womb He wanted me and had a beautiful plan for me. I am hand-picked and chosen by Him. (Jeremiah 1:4-5; Eph 1:11-12; Ps 139: 15-16, Jn 15:16)
Maybe you believe what I did. I used to believe I had no purpose or no future. I had no hope. But now I believe God has a purpose and plan for my life which gives me hope! (Jeremiah 29:11; Rom 15:13) To have hope I had to believe God. You can have hope, too.
I used to believe girls were to be seen and not heard, therefore girls have no value or worth. Our words don’t matter. But I now believe I am valuable, worthy and have a voice because God sent His Son Jesus to die for me.
(John 3:16)
I used to believe the lie that my behavior, what I did, what others said about me and / or how they treated me was who I was. But now I choose to believe my true identity is who God says I am and what He says about me. I’m righteous and very good. (Phil 3:9; Gen 1:31)
I used to believe the lie, food was my comforter. But now I choose to believe God’s Holy Spirit is my Comforter (John 14:16)
I used to believe the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” But now I believe that is a lie from the pit of hell and my words can hurt. But when I choose to speak God’s Word they bring life and health to all my flesh, my body.(Gen 1:3; Proverbs 4:20-22; 18:21)
I used to believe I was my provider and had to take care of myself because no one else would. I carried the burden of that worry and cared for myself. But now I believe God is my Provider because He cares for me.
(Gen 22:14; Phil 4:6,7, 19; 1 Peter 5:7)
From growing up not knowing about Him, to meeting David over 38 years ago, following Cynthia McCall home for a Bible Study 11 years ago, her bringing me to Revive and Restore 10 years ago to being here sharing with all of you tonight and all the years of stuff in between, I can see how God has used all things in my life to bring me to this point in time. His plan has always been making me aware that He loves me dearly, He’s with me and desires a continual Father-daughter relationship with me.
Unlike many of you I grew up in a non- Christian home, because my parents had what we call today church hurt and they turned away from God.
Consequently, I grew up believing in the theory of evolution which says humans evolved from apes. But, God had a plan for my life which included me knowing and having a love relationship with Him. I’m so glad, even though I didn’t know about God or His plans for me, it didn’t stop Him from seeking and pursuing a relationship me.
So, how did God introduce Himself to me a person who believed she evolved from an ape? He used my falling in love with my husband David over 38 years ago to come into my life. David was and still is a Christian and invited me to church.
After hearing about the existence of God and finding out I was a sinner, going to hell, I saw my need for a Savior and went to the Cross. I exchanged my old sin nature for Christ righteous new nature. Like 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, the old is gone, the new has come! I was born again and my new life with God began.
I thank God, His plan doesn’t stop at just being saved from darkness and death, but He continues to beckon me to the Cross where I go to exchange the lies I believe for His Truth. This is so I can experience the rich, full, godly good life He has planned for me here on this earth.
As I said earlier, I believed the lie, I evolved from an ape but now I believe I am created in the image and likeness of God. I’m created by Love. (Genesis 1:27; 1 John 4:8, 16)
Even though I had accepted Jesus as my Savior, I still believed I was unloved by God, because Religion kept telling me I had to follow all these rules and regulations in order to be pleasing enough for God to love me, so I believed I had to earn God’s love and He was still holding my sins against me. But now I believe I am Loved, because I when I look to the Cross, it shows and tells me what God has done for me. He gave His Son to die in my place and remove all my sins as far as the east is from west for me. Only Someone who loves me that much, would do that for me. (Ps 103:12; Jn 3:16; Rom 8:38-39)
I used to believe my failures, wrong doing, wrong choices would always be there and that they had no good purpose or value, only to keep me defeated. But now I believe God makes all things work together for my good and God’s glory. (Rom 8:28)
In my old plan I used to believe that I was unwanted therefore an accident or mistake. But now I believe before before creation God formed me in my mother’s womb He wanted me and had a beautiful plan for me. I am hand-picked and chosen by Him. (Jeremiah 1:4-5; Eph 1:11-12; Ps 139: 15-16, Jn 15:16)
Maybe you believe what I did. I used to believe I had no purpose or no future. I had no hope. But now I believe God has a purpose and plan for my life which gives me hope! (Jeremiah 29:11; Rom 15:13) To have hope I had to believe God. You can have hope, too.
I used to believe girls were to be seen and not heard, therefore girls have no value or worth. Our words don’t matter. But I now believe I am valuable, worthy and have a voice because God sent His Son Jesus to die for me.
(John 3:16)
I used to believe the lie that my behavior, what I did, what others said about me and / or how they treated me was who I was. But now I choose to believe my true identity is who God says I am and what He says about me. I’m righteous and very good. (Phil 3:9; Gen 1:31)
I used to believe the lie, food was my comforter. But now I choose to believe God’s Holy Spirit is my Comforter (John 14:16)
I used to believe the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” But now I believe that is a lie from the pit of hell and my words can hurt. But when I choose to speak God’s Word they bring life and health to all my flesh, my body.(Gen 1:3; Proverbs 4:20-22; 18:21)
I used to believe I was my provider and had to take care of myself because no one else would. I carried the burden of that worry and cared for myself. But now I believe God is my Provider because He cares for me.
(Gen 22:14; Phil 4:6,7, 19; 1 Peter 5:7)
From growing up not knowing about Him, to meeting David over 38 years ago, following Cynthia McCall home for a Bible Study 11 years ago, her bringing me to Revive and Restore 10 years ago to being here sharing with all of you tonight and all the years of stuff in between, I can see how God has used all things in my life to bring me to this point in time. His plan has always been making me aware that He loves me dearly, He’s with me and desires a continual Father-daughter relationship with me.
Love Shower - Cassie - September 2017
This morning we started the Bible study that compliments the retreat you facilitated a few weeks ago. What a blessing! Your ministry with our staff has ben a "love shower" (words of a staff member) over us!
This morning we started the Bible study that compliments the retreat you facilitated a few weeks ago. What a blessing! Your ministry with our staff has ben a "love shower" (words of a staff member) over us!
Still a Work in Progress ~ Teresa - November 2015
Like you said, people speak about forgiveness, but no one shows you how to forgive. That was a service like no other I have participated in--it went deep into an essential principle of our walk with Christ.
I felt lighter and more at peace since leaving there--after allowing God to do a work in me to release resentment as well as those I needed to forgive. I'm still a work in progress, but God is working in my life.
Like you said, people speak about forgiveness, but no one shows you how to forgive. That was a service like no other I have participated in--it went deep into an essential principle of our walk with Christ.
I felt lighter and more at peace since leaving there--after allowing God to do a work in me to release resentment as well as those I needed to forgive. I'm still a work in progress, but God is working in my life.
God Cares about Cars ~ Monica - May 2015
My nineteen-year-old son and I were going to attend a TobyMac concert in Evansville. The morning we were leaving my husband asked me if I was going to take the small sporty car or the SUV. I told him I was going to take the SUV because it was raining and the weather was bad. He laughed and told me I was being silly that I needed to quit being a baby and take the small car.
I got into the SUV and left for the gym. On my way to the gym, which is only a little over a mile, I prayed, “God am I being silly? Should I take the small car?” I got into the SUV after my workout to head home to get ready to leave. The SUV immediately started making this horrible loud noise. I could not believe it! I even kind of laughed to myself and thought, “OK, God,” and knew I had to take the small car.
Dylan and I headed out in the small car. During our drive I shared with him the events that led up to the decision to take the small car. Typical of most young men his age, he kind of looked at me like I was crazy. We had a wonderful time at the concert. It was a huge blessing to both of us.
We were headed back the next morning when I received a text from my husband with a picture of the SUV on a tow truck. His message: “Good thing you didn’t take the SUV it broke down on me.” I shared the information with my son who said, “It is really good that you prayed that prayer!” We both laughed. Praise God! It was a lesson to both of us of how much God cares about the details of our lives, even the car we drive.
My nineteen-year-old son and I were going to attend a TobyMac concert in Evansville. The morning we were leaving my husband asked me if I was going to take the small sporty car or the SUV. I told him I was going to take the SUV because it was raining and the weather was bad. He laughed and told me I was being silly that I needed to quit being a baby and take the small car.
I got into the SUV and left for the gym. On my way to the gym, which is only a little over a mile, I prayed, “God am I being silly? Should I take the small car?” I got into the SUV after my workout to head home to get ready to leave. The SUV immediately started making this horrible loud noise. I could not believe it! I even kind of laughed to myself and thought, “OK, God,” and knew I had to take the small car.
Dylan and I headed out in the small car. During our drive I shared with him the events that led up to the decision to take the small car. Typical of most young men his age, he kind of looked at me like I was crazy. We had a wonderful time at the concert. It was a huge blessing to both of us.
We were headed back the next morning when I received a text from my husband with a picture of the SUV on a tow truck. His message: “Good thing you didn’t take the SUV it broke down on me.” I shared the information with my son who said, “It is really good that you prayed that prayer!” We both laughed. Praise God! It was a lesson to both of us of how much God cares about the details of our lives, even the car we drive.