He (Christ) canceled the record of the charges
against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. ~ Colossians 2:14,15 NLT The Lenten season is beginning and many of us are asking God how he wants us to prepare to appreciate more the tremendous sacrifice he made of us in order that we be set free from the devil’s grip and be given new life in Christ. Many years ago, as a young believer, I tried to ignore the Cross. It was where an unthinkable, horrible, cruel act was perpetrated against a loving, gentle, however all-powerful God. That God would make that sacrifice for me, honestly, was unimaginable. My head believed it, but my heart ran from the reality. How about you? Have you come to embrace the truth of Jesus dying for you? I gradually came to realize that God was asking me to learn to love the Cross. Many decades later, I can look back on the journey the Holy Spirit led me on and I can honestly say that I love the Cross of Christ. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:18 the message of the Cross to those who are being saved is the very power of God. I learned that a Great Exchange happens at the Cross. When I came to the Cross and chose to trust Jesus as my Savior and Lord, a transfer occurred. I went from headed to a destiny of death, to one of real abundant life. The Holy Spirit grabbed hold of me in that moment and transferred me out of death, despair and hopelessness into God’s glorious presence in Heaven where I am now seated at the feet of Jesus at the right hand of the Father. My perspective completely changed. I learned that when I come trusting in Jesus’ completed work on the Cross that fear can be exchanged for God’s overcoming love, shame is exchanged for my new identity in Christ, curses nailed there and exchanged for blessings, helplessness for the power of the Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead. And so much more! Each time I come to the Cross of Christ by faith I am restored, renewed and made more into the person God created me to be. Dear friends, be richly blessed as you choose to learn to love the Cross of Christ more during this Lenten season. May the Holy Spirit guide you, strengthen you and protect you as you plunge deeper into the biblical truth of Jesus’ grace and amazing sacrifice for you. May you believe the truth that you are precious to Father God as his beautiful daughter and grow in your confidence of the mission he has called you to as a new creation designed for his Kingdom. Be blessed with overflowing joy! Amen. Mary Sumner ~ February 13, 2023
AuthorMary Sumner Archives
January 2025
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