“But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant.” Romans 5:20b NLT
Recently I heard “God’s grace abounds more”, and knew that the Holy Spirit had something to teach me. It had occurred to me, as it may have to you, that perhaps part of the reason for this pandemic is a result of our own great sin. After all, we have been killing our babies, making a mess of our environment and abandoning the Church in ever increasing numbers. God surely has enough reason to punish us. But, the Bible is clear, Jesus has already taken our punishment on the Cross. Don’t misunderstand, please. We will face the natural consequences of our actions, both good and bad. However, in reading Romans chapter 8, it’s undeniable that God loves us and that now in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation for those who belong to him. (8:1) The book of Romans reaches its crescendo in chapter 8 as it soars into the proclamation in verses 31-39 that absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love, his undeserved, victorious grace. He desires to save us and be with us for eternity, and nothing can stop that. God is always on our side. In verse 38 we read, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Does that make you feel better? It does me! Where there is sin, the Bible tells us, God’s grace is more powerful. It wins every time! God is always faithful to us. And he gives us every reason, in Jesus Christ, to be faithful to him. In fact, 2 Peter 1:3 makes it clear that he even gives us the power and tools to remain faithful to the end. “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” So, as terrible and incomprehensible as this crisis may be, and as helpless as you may now feel, believe God’s Word and trust in the Lord’s ever-increasing grace at work for you to conquer every challenge. Romans 8:18 tells us, “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” Let’s choose to rest in the comfort and protection of God’s overcoming love. Dear friend, be blessed as you rest in Jesus’ arms and release all the fear of punishment or pain. Father God chose you before you were born to be his beloved child. Trust that he will protect and comfort you daily as you surrender everything to him. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ April 28, 2020
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 NLT
In this time of global crisis many are crying out to God for a miracle. Recently a good friend received a real miracle. She had a spot on her kidney that the doctor had called a tumor and it had disappeared when he went to biopsy it. It had shown up twice before in tests. My friend knew it was a miracle, as well as those of us praying for her. She could see that God had done it, in part, to encourage the young Christian doctor and his staff in this difficult time. Yet she was also a little concerned how other people would respond when they heard. When Jesus walked the earth he performed many miracles, and people responded differently. Probably most, even among his followers, did not really believe what those miracles demonstrated. Some who did understand what they meant tried to kill him! As we study the miracles of Jesus, each one highlighted who he was. They proved Jesus is God and has authority to intervene and overrule the physical laws he put in place in the physical realm. They showed time after time that he values and loves people over religion or the opinion of others. Jesus has not changed. He is still God, and as such, is all powerful, always present and always in control. As one with the Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus has a plan and purpose in all that occurs on earth. He has a plan for your life. Every day of your life was written in his book before you were born. (Ps.139) Jesus will always be faithful, merciful and compassionate. We can trust him. Who is Jesus to you? What if Jesus performed a miracle for you? What if he instantly healed your loved one from the virus, or supernaturally prevented your medical worker friend from getting infected? What if, just when your emergency funds were about to run out, an unexpected deposit is made in your account? Would you even notice? Would you first try to explain the miracle away? Would you think that the test must have been faulty? Or that someone made a mistake? The bottom line is this: when God performs a miracle we have a choice, we can look for another explanation or give God the credit. I sense that now the atmosphere is ripe for God’s miracles. He loves you and he wants you to believe that you can trust him. Don’t miss the miracles! Don’t miss your opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus and to tell others what an awesome God we serve. Pray with me: Lord Jesus, I believe that you are working miracles in our midst because you are here with us, you love us and want the best for us. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray for miracles, open my eyes to see them and soften many hearts to receive them. Father God, may you be glorified and your Son exalted in all that takes place. May your name be praised. In Jesus’ powerful and holy name. Amen. Dear friend, be blessed as you choose to trust in the Lord for miracles. May you overflow with his love and be given the words to introduce our miracle working Jesus with compassion and courage to those who need him the most in these desperate times. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ April 2, 2020 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
This time is a gift from the Lord in which to allow God to strengthen our faith, and heal and restore us physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We do this, not just for ourselves, but for all those who depend on us to be a positive influence. As believers in Jesus, when we make ourselves sit and connect with God, his Spirit is delighted to show us the condition of our hearts and point out places in our thinking that are getting us in trouble and stealing our peace and joy. Would you trust God to do that for you now that you have the time and opportunity? As I made myself still and listened with my heart recently, I realized that so many were feeling all alone, isolated, and beginning to cry out to family and friends for connection. Immediately, what flashed across my mind were what seemed to be fine, white roots, all intertwined like those of the roots of a plant that needs to be repotted. I sensed the Lord wanting us to know that our physical isolation was an opportunity to understand that we were not alone, rather living in communities that were connected and interwoven with hundreds, maybe thousands, of others. Why is that important now? We might be tempted to feel helpless to make a difference in this crisis. God wants to encourage us. Just as when a pebble is thrown into a pool, our small attitudes, words, and actions ripple out and do matter. One kind word, small sacrifice, or even a warm smile, may strengthen and encourage another who impacts ten more, and their lives each touch many more. As we determine daily to be filled with the Holy Spirit, his love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-discipline (Gal.5:22) and ask God to use us, he will! Those few people who experience your love, peace and joy, will be used by God to continue to knock down the dominoes of depression, hopelessness and despair. Remember we are just one root of many hundreds and thousands. If we each determine to trust God, and not to be overcome with discouragement, we can change our environment, our communities, and make a real difference. Let’s determine, not just to cause a ripple, but a big splash for God in our pools of influence! Dear friend, be richly blessed as you choose to trust God to restore you and use you in these dark times. Be encouraged as you believe that who you are and what you do matters, and that you are not alone. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ April, 2020 |
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