“The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.” Proverbs 10:11 NLT Do you ever feel that we are being bombarded with words? Words come at us from pop up ads, ministries, politicians, friends and others trying to penetrate our inner lives and influence or sway us in some way. In fact, there are so many words flying at us, that we often just turn them off in our minds. We may begin to think that words are not important at all.
But that is not what the Bible tells us. Words matter. According to Proverbs 18:21 our words have the power to bring life or death. Think about it. We are created in God’s likeness. We are not gods, but we are like our God, because his Spirit lives in us, working in us and through us. God spoke the world into being. At his command nations and kings must bow. Satan flees when we speak the very name of Jesus. What is dying in your life, that needs to be brought to life? A relationship, a marriage, a dream? Who or what needs life today in your circle of influence? As Christ’s ambassadors and priests in this world, our words really matter. Especially when we choose to speak God’s Word as found in the Bible, atmospheres shift, people are healed and restored, and hope is renewed. How have you been using your words lately? Is someone in your family waiting for a word of encouragement or wise direction? Is a coworker waiting to hear she is not alone in her struggles? Is your pastor waiting to hear that he is doing a good job and that God is using him to change lives? What about the words you speak into and over your own life? Have you checked what you are telling yourself lately? Let’s commit this week to stop all the negative, critical self-talk and speak life into our futures, our marriages and our environment. We have the authority of Jesus when we speak his Word in his name. Let’s not waste it! Pray with me: Holy Spirit, please, make me sensitive to the way I speak to myself and others. I want to be like Jesus and speak life. You are the Spirit of life. Convict me, empower me and use me to change lives, environments and destinies. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen. Dear friend, be blessed to step into the authority Jesus gave you and choose to speak life. Be blessed as you watch dead things come back to life and people bloom in the love and light of Jesus as you speak love and truth over them. Amen. Mary Sumner August 29, 2019
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