Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere,
like a sweet perfume. 15 Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. …16 … But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 NLT Science tells us that smells bring back the memories associated with them. We are entering a season of some of our favorite smells. At Thanksgiving, they may be our family’s traditional dinner of roasting turkey and pumpkin pie. What memories are triggered for you by the smell of live pine trees, your favorite Christmas cookies, fresh fallen snow or your favorite Christmas food? Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2 that we are to be a life-giving perfume, a Christ-like fragrance as we reflect God’s glory to the people around us. Like an aroma they will remember us and, if they are being saved, be strengthened and encouraged. But if they are not being saved, don’t be surprised if they reject us as a dreadful smell that reminds them of death. Are we godly enough to remind people of Jesus? Paul ends verse 16 by agreeing with his readers, “And who is adequate for such a task as this?” If you are like me, we may think, “Not me!” But keep reading because he reminds us that we have had the veil that blocks people’s understanding of God’s Word removed. Now we have the ability and the authority to be used by God to bring his Kingdom to earth. We are truly the sweet perfume that remind people that they have eternal hope. So, let’s trust that God can use us this holiday season to remind our families, friends, and strangers alike, even by our very presence, that Jesus loves them. May they believe that God is real and wants us to understand and remember who he is and what he has done to ensure our salvation and eternal destiny. Jesus Christ has come to save and restore the lost, and he will return again to bring us home. Dear friends, may you rejoice this holiday season in who God created you to become and be truly thankful for the role he has called you to. May you overflow with God’s love, peace and joy as you reflect the glory and spread the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ. You can do that! Remember who is living in you. Amen. Mary Sumner ~ November 26, 2024
24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26 Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm. ~ Matthew 8:24-26 I am writing this on November 5, election day for our nation. I, as most who will read this, have given the results of the election to the Lord and have said we are trusting God with the results and its consequences. But, are you like me? If we are honest, we want to know, and to understand, how God views what is going on and what is about to happen. So, let’s imagine crawling out from where we have been hiding, and letting the Holy Spirit give us the heavenly perspective. He points. And before us spans eternity, the Lord’s time frame. And what gives it order and meaning are God’s plans and purposes for creation. Aware of eternity, the enormity of what is going on today quickly dwindles. We understand that God is so much greater than the 2024 election in one nation, even though its consequences may ripple around the world, maybe changing the world order for decades. We sigh in relief. “Our God is bigger,” we agree. Suddenly we are able to ask what God may want of us in this moment. We remember that we have submitted to his sovereign rule and to seek in all we are and all do to praise, honor and glorify God. So, it really isn’t about us and how we feel in this moment. It has always been about God. To continue the story above, in Matthew 8:27, “The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!” We may be novices in our relationship with Jesus or we may have enjoyed his presence in our life for decades. The question that will anchor us in this stormy time, is the one the disciples in the boat with Jesus echoed. Who is in our boat, our life, with us? Stormy times give us opportunities to get to know him better and to get to know how he sees us. We may not like the hard times, but it is not about us, but about Jesus and what he wants to accomplish. Could it be that he wants to save and redeem thousands? And that means allowing hardship to come to his chosen and beloved? We may not understand, but we know, that come what may, our only hope is to cling to Jesus and keep our eyes on him. Dear friends, may the Lord surround and fill you with his peace and grace. May he open your eyes to see, your ears to hear and cause your minds to be quick to understand what he wants you to know. May he multiply your faith and spread his wings of protection over you and your family. Smile. God is still in control. |
AuthorMary Sumner Archives
January 2025
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